Royal Purple Purple Ice Radiator Additive, Case of 12 12-Ounce Bottles
Purple Ice is a high performance, synthetic, radiator coolant additive. It reduces engine heat by reducing the surface tension of the radiator fluids for improved heat transfer.
Purple Ice fosters optimum coolant flow by helping to prevent formation of scale deposits in the radiator. It also lubricates the water pump seals.
Purple Ice should always be used in conjunction with antifreeze in regions where freezing temperatures occur. Purple Ice is recommended for any water / glycol pressurized cooling system, including those using the traditional green silicate based glycols or the newer OAT or HOAT based glycols.
Extensive testing confirms Purple Ice reduces coolant temperatures better than similar products. For example, the average operating temperature of a 350 c.i.d. V8 engine (equipped with 160° thermostat) when dyno-tested with different coolants are:

A. Standard mix of water and glycol (antifreeze) 228°F
B. 50 / 50 water / glycol mix with Purple Ice added 222°F
C. Straight water (no corrosion protection) 220°F
D. Water with Purple Ice added 200°F
Purple Ice fosters optimum coolant flow by helping to prevent formation of scale deposits in the radiator. It also lubricates the water pump seals.
Purple Ice should always be used in conjunction with antifreeze in regions where freezing temperatures occur. Purple Ice is recommended for any water / glycol pressurized cooling system, including those using the traditional green silicate based glycols or the newer OAT or HOAT based glycols.
Extensive testing confirms Purple Ice reduces coolant temperatures better than similar products. For example, the average operating temperature of a 350 c.i.d. V8 engine (equipped with 160° thermostat) when dyno-tested with different coolants are:

A. Standard mix of water and glycol (antifreeze) 228°F
B. 50 / 50 water / glycol mix with Purple Ice added 222°F
C. Straight water (no corrosion protection) 220°F
D. Water with Purple Ice added 200°F
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***Important Precautions: Be sure your cooling system is working properly and that the radiator is free of blockage and corrosion before using Purple Ice. Antifreeze should be properly mixed and filled to manufacturers' specifications. Distilled water and / or demineralized water should not be used if you elect to run a mixture of straight water and Purple Ice in your radiator. Contact Royal Purple’s Technical Support department if you are considering using Purple Ice with straight water or if you have previously used another brand of coolant additive.***