AUTO METER's ULTRA-LITE Series gauges are one of Auto Meter's most versatile gauge lines. A modern silver dial face and silver Super Bezel are added to the trademark Auto Meter race styling and accuracy.
This series was originally designed for the weight conscious world of NASCAR racing by using lightweight aluminum construction to reduce weight. The silver dial was added to make this series easy to read under harsh race conditions. Since it’s introduction, the Ultra-LiteTM series has fast become the hottest instrument in all forms of racing. From street machines to street rods, sport compacts to street trucks, enthusiasts in every market have picked up on this trend. Digital, electrical, or mechanical and in five sizes, these professional-quality, aluminum race gauges weigh half as much as typical units. Silver satin anodized aluminum gauge faces with the addition of black accents and a red pointer make these gauges very easy to read
Includes 10 ft. nylon tubing with 1/8" NPT fittings.
Includes 1/4'' NPT adapter/fitting.
Instrument features brushed aluminum dial in silver finish with matching silver anodized bezel.
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Auto Meter Ultra Lite Series, Boost Pressure 0-60psi (Mechanical)
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