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Archoil AR6400-D, Professional Diesel Fuel System and Engine Cleaner 16oz (Treats 25 gallons)

Treat rate 1:200 (16oz bottle in 25 gallons of diesel.) Use every 5000 miles.
Pricing: $19.95


AR6400-D is not a standard fuel system and engine cleaner. AR6400-D has been specifically formulated to meet the needs of modern diesel vehicles by removing particulate matter (soot) buildup from post combustion systems. Use AR6400-D to help remedy blocked DPFs, dirty EGR systems and stuck wastegates and variable turbochargers, all of which cause drivability issues.

•Reduces particulate matter in the DPF/EGR/Turbocharger
•Improves DPF regeneration efficiency
•Cleans fuel system and injectors
•Reduces combustion chamber deposits
•Boosts cetane
•Helps increase power and fuel efficiency

AR6400-D’s detergents remove deposits in the fuel system, on injectors and in the combustion chamber helping restore power and fuel efficiency. AR6400-D also boosts cetane. Use AR6400-D every 5,000 miles or as required. For best results between treatments use AR6200 Fuel Modification Complex at every fill-up. Long term use of AR6200 should eliminate the need for AR6400-D.

AR6400-D Fuel System Cleaner is NOT the appropriate product to remedy PowerStroke (HEUI) injector issues. Instead, please use Archoil AR9100 to eliminate PowerStroke 6.0 & 7.3 (HEUI) injector problems.